Hollywood Paving the Wide Highway to Hell

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Before we get into the sick, depraved, perverted and satanic activities going on secretly (and in some cases, not so secretly) in Hollywood and other cities of power and propaganda in the world, we must first give praise and glory to our Heavenly Father and His Blessed Son, Jesus Christ, through Whom is salvation and grace. His mercy and forgiveness is still available to all of those dark ones in Hollywood who have hidden the filth of their lewdness under their collective harlot skirt, thinking that no one sees them. Well we have news for you: the Supreme King of Kings sees every sick, twisted and perverted thing you’re doing behind the closed doors of your mansions, offices and parties and He is continually displeased and is exposing your evil in part now, and in full when the Two Witnesses make their appearance, which is coming very, very soon as you can see from the world’s armies moving in the Middle East, particularly Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and other ancient places. The tentacles of Hollywood even stretch to the so-called terrorist groups Al Qaeda and ISIS, who are doing the satanic bidding of the highest circles of power in the West, particularly Washington and Hollywood. Nothing done in the dark will stay in the dark; it always comes to light. Hallelujah. Glory be to God in the highest!

Satanic Grammys

To the sickest of the sick power brokers in Hollywood, the Lord has allowed us to see much of what you are doing behind your closed doors. You are truly sick and twisted in your depraved behavior. There is nothing left to the dark imaginations of man that you have not done. You have found creative ways to commit abominable and even unspeakable acts. You have truly polluted every city you have committed your filth in more than any pollution could have caused.

You have become a haunt of demons, allowing sick old men to blow the backs out of young boys, you sick ones. Some of these boys have bled from internal injuries. How sick can you get. You think that homosexual sex with young boys releases a certain energy that can increase your success and wealth! You are demon-possessed and either don’t know it or don’t care. You turn out everyone so that they act on their newfound demonic urges. They seek out progressively worse porn, anything depicting the worst sex, violence and torture. Many of these who decide to go on to become big celebrities are so terrified by the demonic spirits you conjured up around them with your sorceries that they don’t want to own mirrors because they see the demons manifest when they look in mirrors. To soothe your rape victims, you take them on shopping sprees and exotic trips in private jets. But your filth always accompanies you, no matter where you go in this dark world of yours.

You encourage violence of every kind, including violence against women by men who hate women because they have gay urges. You even have prostitution rings that specializes in hiring women (and men) to suffer physical and emotional abuse, even to the point of bruises and blood and confidential hospital visits! You don’t even get turned on unless violence is involved. What hypocrisy as many of you donate to feminist and liberal causes.

Although the Bible is clear about having sex with women on their periods, you have created sex agencies that specializes in procuring women on their cycle, and some of you even like to drink this blood (called “vampiring”). Feces and urine are also part of your sick lusts, you demonoids.

You have created a prostitution mill where young actors with dreams of making it big instead get turned out into the sickest forms of fornication ever devised. Some women get so worn out that they have to either wear diapers or due to such internal organ damage and the resulting failure, had to go on dialysis just to live.

Strip clubs have become your daughters, you mother of harlots. Famous Hollywood celebrities team up with major sports stars to indulge in sick fantasies in the VIP rooms of these clubs, engaging in anonymous raw sex. PEDs and other sports scandals should be the least concern of parents whose children look up to these sick perverts.

It’s interesting how some powerful celebrities are being raked over the head with coals for their sins once they fall out of favor with the powerful, yet far, far worse and horrible things are going on in Hollywood involving children whose parents look the other way while the darkest and sickest old men have their sexual way with the children, passing them on to other perverts.  This is one sin the Lord hates above most others, and He clearly said it would be better if someone tied a boulder around your neck and tossed you into the sea than to face the Lord’s wrath on the last day.

Many of you claim to be liberals outwardly, but secretly are extremely racist and sexist (but liberal or conservative, they still commit the same filth). You continually lie to the public with your rants, you hypocrites.

You have influenced or required those who want to make it big in Hollywood to pledge allegiance to Satan, even having Satan parties where you celebrate your dark lord with cakes, food dedicated to Satan and wearing black robes with hoods or other black wear. You make newbies sign agreements not to tell the public because you know exactly how sick and twisted you are with your devil worship and fornication. You enjoy the roughest forms of sex with the same sex and with animals, and you encourage the young and vulnerable to participate. Even strippers and prostitutes who you bring to these parties and events are sickened by what they witness. Do you not think the Lord sees all this?

Male celebrities with the most masculine personalities are the most sick as they enjoy having their backsides “blown out” or having rough guys perform fellatio on their genitals. Even married men indulge in these sick and perverted acts against nature. Female celebrities are no different, and require lesbian sex and favors for young women trying to hit it big. Well known and powerful rappers and rock stars with tough-guy mentalities seek out orgies with harems of girly men and manly men all over the world. Do you not think the Lord sees what you are doing in jet set places like Dubai? Some women also like to have their backsides blow out in the filthiest ways, and even with random strangers in the seediest places. STDs seem to just be the necessary cost of doing business in Hollywood, yet your PR people spin the stories so that the public thinks these are other diseases instead of AIDS and Herpes. How many of the 10 Commandments have you not broken?

You love money so much that you don’t mind taking out a contract hit on your top musicians and actors in order to cash in on their celebrity after death, and most likely, you make more money on “key man” insurance that businesses take out on key employees in case they die. Is there any limit to your love of money, you perverse ones of Hollywood? Jesus Christ warned you that the love of money is the root of all evil, but instead, you find new and imaginative ways to love money.

You make sure everyone who comes to Hollywood has dirt on them, including drugs and perverse sex and other lewd habits. You love to video record them for blackmail purposes.

You court the powerful of Washington and other political capitals around the world because they use you like a pimp uses a whore. You play the whore with political powerbrokers, giving them propaganda in exchange for money and prostitutes (male and female). You even have various kinds of pedophilia rings where you sell young boys and girls to the sickest power brokers known to mankind.

You have an underground market for extremely violent porn movies where the innocent are literally killed during rough sex. You charge money to the sick and powerful who seek out snuff films. How sick and perverted can you get?

Outwardly, many of you claim to not be homosexual, but almost all of you indulge in some form of this abomination. Some of you even say anti-gay slurs publicly, but secretly love male-on-male or female-on-female flesh interaction of the worst kind. The men enjoy the oral sex of male escorts or trannies because their jaws are stronger than females. How sick! You blind hypocrites. Even certain so-called gospel and Christian singers run to Hollywood to indulge their anti-Christ sexual fetishes and fantasies, even the married ones. Have you no shame in shaming the Lord your God who you sing about? You are the worst of them because you indulge sick fantasies secretly yet lead the world to believe you’re Christian. Did not your Lord Jesus Christ warn you that the punishment will be most severe for those who claim to be leaders in the Church but in fact lead others to wickedness and lawlessness? Repent immediately!

No one who goes into your Hollywood ever comes out the same. They become twice a child of Hell after Satanwood spits them out, you brood of vipers. You have promoted the worst forms of sodomy and perversion, and have encouraged the normalization of sodomy into marriages of perversion, something not even the very corrupt Sodom and Gomorrah in all their wickedness ever did. You and your demonic cohorts are paving the way for the last great sin that the Lord calls the abomination that causes desolation: the rebuilding of God’s Temple in the resurrected Old Jerusalem with Satan in the Holy of Holies where God’s Holy Spirit is supposed to dwell! Once you and your sick co-conspirators carry out this great sin, you will have plunged the world into the count down to the appearance of the Two Witnesses and the Great Tribulation, and you will not survive God’s wrath.

But there is still hope for you as the Age of Grace is still here, but time is fast running out. No matter how deep and dark your sin is, and you in Hollywood have the deepest and darkest sins, you can be rescued from your sick habits before it is too late. Just get on your worn out knees and ask the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness right where you are. No time for hesitation. Say the Lord’s prayer (it’s in the Bible).

One thought on “Hollywood Paving the Wide Highway to Hell

  1. You are absolutely correct… the world today has lost their way. May ALMIGHTY GOD our HEAVENLY FATHER (Blessed be HE), have Mercy upon your souls.

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